Artivism Talks, 2024 Podcast series & Photography - English & Español
This is a collaborative project of our Artivism and Amplifiers fellowship program, which builds the capacity of young people from communities most impacted by the climate crisis and encourages meaningful collaboration between youth from the Global North and South.
Podcast Links:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Photographic installation highlighting the multidimensional nature of Climate Change in our lives, inspiring the creation of a bilingual podcast in Spanish and English featuring community leaders from the Global North and South, sharing their diverse life experiences in the UK, the Peruvian Amazon, and Venezuela. The podcast sparks deep conversations on Cities and Climate Change, Education and Climate Change, and Climate Justice.
Instalación fotográfica relativo al carácter multidimensional del Cambio Climático en nuestras vidas que inspira la producción de un podcast bilingue en español e inglés con líderes comunitarios del Norte y del Sur Global con experiencias de vida diferentes en el Reino Unido, La Amazonía Peruana y Venezuela inspirando conversaciones profundas sobre Ciudades y Cambio Climático, Educación y Cambio Climático y Justicia Climática
Listen deeply.
Nature speaks to us.
Helena Boateng
Helena is from London, United Kingdom, and is ethnically from Ghana and Zambia. A student at the University of Cambridge, they have spearheaded the Student Action for Female Education campaign, and is the head of events for the Human Rights Society, as well as the Access Officer for the African Caribbean Society.
Carlos Deivis Lozano Suarez
Carlos, a young indigenous leader from the Kichwa people of Peru, advocates for environmental defense, food sovereignty, and equal rights, while also serving as the Youth Secretary of FEPIKECHA, working to preserve ancestral practices and customs and address daily challenges like drug trafficking and deforestation.
Dylan Pereira
Dylan is based in Caracas, Venezuela and driven to elevate the voices of young Latin Americans in the fight against climate change, aiming to develop capacities in mitigation, adaptation, and climate financing. With a diverse background in communication, geopolitical analysis, public policies, and legal training, they bring a wealth of expertise to their climate activism.